
Is this post suppose not to be lame?

Another tiring day. This week is going by awfully slow. Classes every morning till afternnon except for tomorrow but tutorials in the morning is super early. When I come back from class I'm so tired but I just can't sleep yet cause have to read a bit. I push myself reading and when I'm done with it, I can't sleep. What kinda of joke my body is playing on me? My head is tired and aching before I sleep, migraine (feels like tuk.. tuk.. tuk.. inside of my head and wouldn't go away) and I could only sleep around 2 am and that gives me what, 6 hours of sleep? Maybe that's enough for some but I need 8 hours of sleep or I can accumulate my loss hours of sleeping and reimburse( apa bahasa ni? like in business :reimbursing petty cash..haha) back my Oh so precious beauty sleep..However, I do not have a day where i can replenish back my energy. Even on public holiday this Friday got CLR class for heaven's sake. 10-5pm..Oh God, Please give me strength and agility to bear that class..Amen..

CNY is about 2 weeks and i have yet to buy clothes or had time to go shopping. The jakun me haven't even step into Pavillion yet. so tomorrow's lunch/tea break will my first time. My friends is popping my Pavillion "cherry" tomorrow. Sounds so dirty rite??

Cirminal tutorials aka student grilling class. tha'ts about it today. When I'm free i promise to post pictures k?? I'm out~

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