
Gareth Emery..

Currently listening to: Gareth Emery Podcast 81

Another great trance night. First hour an half was awesome then it slowly was boring but it was saved by the great company I had. It was more of a meet and greet and catch up session earlier. We caught up with facebook trance kakis. As usual we camwhored a bit and danced the night away. GE (Gareth Emery) opened his set with Andy Moor & Ashley Walbridge feat Meighan Nealon-Faces. I was up at the podium and dancing and singing. We were all esctatic. Then after that was a lil tech house and some memorable hits like Oceanlab-Lonely Girl ( Gareth Emery Remix),Oceanlab- On a good Day (Daniel Kandi Remix),Andy Moor feat Nadia Ali- Love Story, John O' Callaghan feat Sarah Howell - Find yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix), RexMundi- Nothing at all and many more. the set was starting to get bored for me at the last 30 mins. But in all it was good fun. nothing can replace Freedom or Armin's set in January. This is just something to get me by. I'm addicted to trance..lol

Let's talk fashion. I bought this dress from Times Square. I actually got 3 choices for GE's gig. I bought a long grey dress earlier, then Wai Fon wanted to go shopping. So I could not resist myself and bought 2 more dresses. A green lycra dress and the white one I wore yesterday. It was pretty simple and someone ask me why I dress like i'm going to dinner. Well, i want to look classy. Eventhough I don't like R&B clubs but the girls dress nice. Dresses and bit of bling. So why can't I do the same for Trance. I still can dance and enjoy myself and I feel good in a dress as well.

Next week, I'm starting back my attachment on Wed. So back to my law life. After exams, i sort of don't remember anything I studied. I completely let it go. Now back to my other part of my life. Not truly excited bout the working. Not cuz its not great. Its just the waking up in the monings. so nuff said..pics time. Its the same pics in FB but these are the ones i like the most:

#1 Man of the night!

#2 Focus..
#3 Wonderful ppl i met through TIFM

#4 ;-)

#5 LOL

#6 Trance Forever!

i got a new dog..but i still have no mood to blog. lot of things in my mind. just check out the pics in fb ok..will blog soon..hopefully *cross fingers*
I've tried to blog. but no mood. not emo. just nothing to write. only got the mood to listen trance all day and all night long. trance for life..

my kinda trance

I'm falling in love with this song. So chill, so nice. My kinda trance.

Look at da comments at the viedo in youtube.

My fav line by a user.. flomperdomeper: I think Mat Zo just made sweet sweet love with my ears.


Currenty listneign to : Kismet- Lost Language

Someone ask me what have I've been doing that is not related to trance nowadays. I did do a lot of stuff but trance is in my head 24/7. My weekdays are filled with activities. I go out and chill with my sister. She would cook, i would use her pc and do some maintenance for her. I would also watch astro and play with her cat. We talk crap and lepak till like 5-6am in da morning. When the sounds of the mosque are heard, i would be brushing my teeth preparing to sleep. Tomorrow she is going to penang and I really hope I can have lunch with him tomorrow. There will be dinner tomorrow at night also. So in the afternoon , I will do my red laundry. I wash my 'outgoing' clothes by hands and colour code it. Last two days was blue and black clothes. 2mr will be red and white I think. If there is sunlight, maybe another colour. I'm rambling as it is. gonna sleep soon. Another day of errands.

beh( lantak remix)

Currently listening to : TATW 266

I'm reading Sophie Kinsella's Undosmectic Goddess ( I do read la..I don't just listen trance, I have many other secondary interests ) I was at the first page and this paragraph interests me:

I love my job. I love my satisfaction of spotting loophole in a contract. I love the adrenaline rush of closing a deal. I love the thrill of negotiation, and arguing and making the best point in the room.

In the book the character is a lawyer. and that paragraph right there there sums up what I why I want to become a lawyer.

I'm now wide awake. I overlsept. Or I think I'm too tired and slept at odd hours. I woke up at 9 something today courtesy of my very own personal wake up call. Then I went to lunch and Sungei Wang. I came back slept till 5. Had dinner. Wanted to go to my sis's place at 9. I wanted only to take a two hour nap. But I was damn sleepy. in the midst of some weird dream I texted my sis and him. Then continue to sleep. I left my lights on and when I woke up to turn it off and plan to sleep, but suddenly I'm wide awake.

I can't wait to wear my satin grey dress to Gareth's gig. Its me having to buy a new dress everytime got international trance dj coming. Cuz my sister told me , if go clubbing for an event. go all out. dress to impress. she creative in dressing up. i'm not. so i just go buy. and i have this thing that i dun like to wear the same baju n take pic which is then posted fb. but i did it with the strawberry top which i love. so tht is an exception i guess. i'm chilling with trance. my love, trance. reminiscing the time in Freedom. hmmm..such a nice time, the atmosphere, the lights and the music. so euphoric. i miss FREEDOM so so much. enough rambling..my flu pills in..arh..maybe tht is why i'm sleeping too much. my body telling me to rest.

2mr another day at the gym. i want to suntan at the pool listening to trance so i went to watsons to buy some tanning spray. they ran out of tanning lotion. and there is a new tanning salon openign soon oppostie my gym at mv. funny how many malaysians would be willing to pay to get the i-just-got-back-from-bali look. LOL

got the blueprints?

Currently listening to: Ferry Tayle & Static Blue- L'Acrobat

It's the second week of freedom already I've done quite a lot. More needs to be done. I just went and bought myself a gorgeous grey dress, a brown satin top and pair of shoes. I bought another pair of shoes yesterday wtf. I've yet to shop for work clothes. Some emo shit happen to my friend and they both sort of blog about it. Well maybe one of them blog and the other told me la. the point is..i'm annoyed a bit. dunno y.. maybe thts how ppl feel when they read my emo stuff last time. so i shall refrain from blogging bout my emo stuff. maybe i'll set up another blog purely for my dark tortured soul..lol

I have 3 more weeks left before I start work back. then i'll be at the office 9-6 and gym at night. back to the normal routine. i'm so sleepy. i stil have not gotten any good night sleep. i crave a good haegan dass raspberry ice cream now *hint hint*. i was never a dessert person. i never use to crave sweet stuff but now i look at the dessert first before ordering my main course. but i still don't take carbonated drinks. so kinda balanced out my diet i think.

its so hot now..so humid. till i'm having a migraine now. i don't have much to write acutally. so jsut random stuff now. boring as usual.


Currently listening to : Myon & Shane 54 - Helpless (Monster Mix)

They ask me when will I join them back. I like it there but for this month I need to chill a bit. Even at times I may be bored but I want to make sure everything is organised. I've packed all my books to one side. Now my shelves is filled with novels and its a nice sight, better than my law books. I love law, since i'm gonna be working back at my old firm I need to take a break from legal stuff. I want to work on my group. Do some reading, spend mroe time at the gym. just enjoying the lil stuff. I want to just go to movies when I want without worrying whether tomorrow is work day or not. I just need a good rest. Everyone is asking me to go work soon. My parents and him. Maybe I'm too annoying to them when I'm too free? I guess so..

I rented a couple of books and downloaded some games. Plan to do some mixing too. Lots of things to be done. I need to do somemore laundry, reogranise my wardrobe also before i go shopping. Summore told my dad I'm gonna vaccuum the car. I need to also sort out my shoes. Take them to the cobbler guy to fix and also throw out those tht cant be mended. I need to do all of that before I go shopping to avoid overspending..

I'm rambling as it is. Trance is beginning to consumes me. I'm thinking of it day and night. How? If i work then? i think i can stream di. fm or trance.fm while i work..cuz i used to stream fly fm last time..lol

I went to my colleague's wedding dinner. The dress I wore was bought years ago. Now it's so loose..I have to tie behind really tight. when I saw the pic, i cant believe how much slimmer i looked. i dun mean to brag but coming from a used to be fat person, its an accomplishment for me ok? so just want to show off a bit..bleh..lol. but i have more to work on..another5 kg by end of this year..


Currently listening to: John O' Callaghan feat Lo-Fi Sugar - Never Fade Away ( Andy Duguid Remix)

I jsut got back from my ex-colleague's wedding dinner. soon to be a colleague back again cause i'm gonna start my attachment at the law firm next month tentatively. I feel more liberated and independent lately. I've been doing things myself nowadays. compared to previous months where I always want someone with me. I do now, but I'm more understanding I think. but now and then that old habit creeps up. since the exams, i've been on track with my plan. to clean my room work on my group.I've changed a lot of things and update my TFIM (trance fans in malaysia). responses are growing and i'm always updating now. which is good. i love doing something i'm passionate about. there are many things to be done. this year i feel liberated, enlightened and most importantly happy. happy cuz i've achieved many things. and there is more to come. so fast we've reached the middle of 2009.jan 2009 seems like yesterday for me. in tht course of few months i've met someone wonderful in my life and some great friends where i can forsee me having long lasting friendship with. i lost more weight and feel confident in wearing a bikini at the gym now. i'm contented with my life now. i'm happy. u may think is superficial, the things i'm happy about. but i can feel my inner self is feeling more postive. comapre this period of time and me last year. how far i've come. thanks to the grace of God and his workings. i'm blessed.

for an angel

Currently listening to : Chicane-Poppiholla

I'm currently really like sleep deprived. I've been like this since last Friday. If you dunno where I've been last Friday..its either, u r not a regular of this blog, u dun have me at facebook or u r a stranger..I was at Melaka for the Freedom rave. The all so highly advertised rave party of the year. The biggest one I shall say. Raves are not as some people think, drug infested or some kind of sex party. Tht one maybe in their own private post party la. But I'm there to enjoy the music. Nothing else. I went there with really hardcore trance people. people who speak trance. Not those people who got there for the sake of a rave. The trancers were Danny , Simon and Alvin. We 4 lepak together most of the time then joined by Aidan, Ling, the Singaporean stoners( dun ask me why the name) , Gracie, Ali D and many more. The moment I stepped into Simon's car to Melaka and all the way back to KL, I enjoyed every moment. The lasers were amazing, I was seriously enjoying the music, every minute of it. I think I left my heart there, cuz now I'm suffering from post rave depression.

First night was Markus Schulz opening for Ferry Corsten. We did not have the timetable, so we thought Markus gonna be like at 10pm but he started at 9 I think. He is Danny's fav dj, so we rush like hell from our apartment and took the shuttle to the rave. His set was suprisingly proggy, was ok la..I can still layan and all..Ferry was amazing. He played many tracks from his album Twice in a Blue Moon. The lasers n the lightings created a magical feel for me. they brought a vocalist to sing 2 songs from Ferry's set. She was awesome as usually trance vocalists when sing live..tak boleh pakai..but she was so good..Love Betsie Larkin. I was so into it, I dun want the night to end. We camwhored, met new people, continue dancing and went back and chilled with a beer listening to podcasts. We party safely and responsibly. eventhought the night ended early and many people have their own chillout postparty, we just chill with podcasts. We party with quality and not quantitu. I din drink but I just chill with them la..

The next day, we went to Melaka town for lunch. It was damn fun la. The 4 of us plus Gracie, we just clicked. It is as though we know each other for a long time. For the first time I have a group of frens whom I can talk trance 24/7 and all of us won't get bored wei. Besides trance also we had lots of fun talking bout other stuff. Then at night my sister joins us for the second night. Some funny shit went down at the apartment tht night, I can't blog about it cause I've been told my bro not to write incriminating stuff on my blog or online, cuz if I were to be a lawyer one day, tht shit gonna come back and haunt me. so i shall zip it, but it never fails to make me smile when I think bout tht incident. The 2nd night was totally mind blasting..lol..Tydi was so awesome. His warmup set was superbly amazing. I was like woah.....din know Tydi had so much talent..he is only 21. his set was great. transitions were smooth too. When my fav djs Above & Beyond came out, I was ecstatic. I have no other words to describe what a fanstactic set they deliver. the most memorable part was when On a Good Day was played. We group hugged altogether. We sang along and it was so so nice. I can feel that that time Trance truly brings us together.

The next day in the car, we were all very sad. We are sinking in slowly into depression by that time and I'm still under depression now even. I want to blog more bout my personal experience but for now jsut the general gist. All the pics are in Facebook. These are just some that I like.

I'm still smiling when I look at the pics.. sigh..I miss the rave so so much, i miss the company..
#1 My trance kakis

#2 At the cendol place I've been bugging all of them since lunch

#3 At the clubhouse..club as in the real club house..not the 'club' LOL
#4 Love ya guys \o/
#5 Trance chicas
#6 My first taste of Freedom
#7 The need to camwhore.. T__T

#8 My RAVE outfit.