

Currently listening to : Myon & Shane 54 - Helpless (Monster Mix)

They ask me when will I join them back. I like it there but for this month I need to chill a bit. Even at times I may be bored but I want to make sure everything is organised. I've packed all my books to one side. Now my shelves is filled with novels and its a nice sight, better than my law books. I love law, since i'm gonna be working back at my old firm I need to take a break from legal stuff. I want to work on my group. Do some reading, spend mroe time at the gym. just enjoying the lil stuff. I want to just go to movies when I want without worrying whether tomorrow is work day or not. I just need a good rest. Everyone is asking me to go work soon. My parents and him. Maybe I'm too annoying to them when I'm too free? I guess so..

I rented a couple of books and downloaded some games. Plan to do some mixing too. Lots of things to be done. I need to do somemore laundry, reogranise my wardrobe also before i go shopping. Summore told my dad I'm gonna vaccuum the car. I need to also sort out my shoes. Take them to the cobbler guy to fix and also throw out those tht cant be mended. I need to do all of that before I go shopping to avoid overspending..

I'm rambling as it is. Trance is beginning to consumes me. I'm thinking of it day and night. How? If i work then? i think i can stream di. fm or trance.fm while i work..cuz i used to stream fly fm last time..lol

I went to my colleague's wedding dinner. The dress I wore was bought years ago. Now it's so loose..I have to tie behind really tight. when I saw the pic, i cant believe how much slimmer i looked. i dun mean to brag but coming from a used to be fat person, its an accomplishment for me ok? so just want to show off a bit..bleh..lol. but i have more to work on..another5 kg by end of this year..

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