Letter to my future boyfriend
27 dresses. I can go on about this for 27 times..
I've downloaded this movie a couple days ago and I thought it's out in Malaysia but it's not. Seriously, this movie has already come out as DVD in US and it still hasn't arrive to our humble Malaysian shores.
I suck at retelling the story so I just hope you guys and girls out there please go and watch. Guys bring your dates to the show k? James Marsden is really hot..He's getting hotter nowadays comapred to his role in X-men and Enchanted. Le sigh...such a hearthrob. In this movie he's even more dreamier than McDreamy..I took some time to upload some of the pics..go watch it in cineams or just go download it!! Anyway it's worthwhile movie.
#1 First encounter #2 Heart to heart confessions
#3 One of the nicer bridemaids dress
#4 Need I say more? *Le sigh*
#5 Imagine him waiting at the end of the aisle for you..
Le sigh..
On Saturday, visited my dear friend and her 2-week old new born child, Gabriel. We chatted about the baby and the labour proccess and hearing the experience , in short you just need to love your mom more. It's scary , the thought of being pregnant and experiencing the excrutiating pain of labour( she showed the video of labour too) but I think every woman should at least experience it once in their life.I cannot imagine my life as a pregnant woman. It's just to far far away but right now I have to stop dreaming and start mugging books. I wanna wish her congratulations on her bundle of joy and I get to see her in the next 2 weeks for Gabriel's full moon ceremony. I hope I can get to borrow The Bear's SLR and capture the special moments cause taking pics with just a digital camera does not do the baby justice... Here are some pictures. No time to edit the pics.
#1 Safe and comfy in mummy's arms..#2 Proud mother
#3 What's up?
#4 I know I'm cool
#5 The girls
Disclaimer" Random, pointless post
Blah..I don't have mood to study. I just manage to cover defences this week, public law revision this Saturday.
Things are kinda patchy between me and The Bear. It always happen when I have nothing to do. As for the saying " An idle mind is a devil's playground" Hoep next week will be a better week since our 4 year anniversary is coming up and my dad's 62nd birthday. going to celebrate my dad's birthday in Saisaki again. Wanted to go to some posh hotel for buffet but my mom is a real oriental food fanatic. She does not like western food that mainly consists of steaks,pastas and creamy,cheesy sauces which she cannot tahan.
I miss cooking. I've been watching Martha Stewart religiously everynight. that night I was watching her stuffing a turkey and roasting it. Something that I would really want to try some time soon.
My room is in a mess. My clothes are all piled up at the corner of my bed and in a huge basket where I've yet to sort it out. I'm feeling lazy mainly because it's the woman's monthly ordeal. My files are stacked up high till my Ikea table is making a creaky sound. If really that Ikea table broke, then means I'm too hardcore already, like The Bear always says I'm diablo" Lord of Destruction. Seems that most items I use is broken way before it's due time..
Suddenly this week i'm having this craving of eating marmite sandwiches almost everyday. Marmite is a norm in UK and one day I went to Carrefour to find my trusty marmite. I searched high and low for it, and asked the sales assistants, they've never heard of it. I mean is Marmite really that unpopular meh? I've been consuming Marmite since I was little. Whe I was sick and porridge is the only alternative, my mom use to mix marmite to my porridge to give it flavour, and those days where the food is kinda "dry", I'll make myself a marmite soup. Late night supper sometimes will be the trusty marmite sandwiches. yum yum..thinking bout marmite makes me want t have another sandwich already..
Today's post is as random as ever. Many things are going through my mind. Whether I have enough clothes to last me to the weeks in college given that i've not yet sorted out my piles of clothes? Whether my "mojo" to study will be back? Whether the bear going to get promoted or not? Whether The Bear already plan our anniversary?
Oh yeah, before I forgot, I'm not going to watch the american Idol till the finals. i watched the top 12 finalists and I'm bored.No one is worth rooting for. The show is losing its appeal. blah..not even worth me watching it every week.
My 2 cents
Moving on, elections finally is over. Last Saturday was spent watching the tv closely and seeing the big guns ousted. Reminds me of Project Runway quote" You either in, or you're out..." or Survivor,"The tribe has spoken and the 12th member being voted out of Survivor Malaysia is (insert your favourite loser here)"
I'm happy I get to see the real demorcracy is alive here in Malaysia, where we once thought was lost in the tyranny of BN. I read numerous articles about the tsunami that hit BN and now after the political tsunami, many more journalists are voicing out their comments more clearly and louder. But sad to say the TV3 reports of elections is still biased. When it was confirmed that DAP won Penang, the 999 botak guy was smirking and said" Sekarang kita lihat dapatkah DAP melagsaikan janji-janji mereka dengan memberi banutan kewangan kepada ibu-ibu tunggal dan RM 6000 yang dijanjikan.." Hey, dumb reporter, get your facts straight, that could only be implemented if DAP made it federal governemnet, samrt ass!!!
Furthermore after the humiliating losses to oppostion we can see who are the sore losers and who stepped down with dignity.
Sore Loser #1: This is none other than Datuk Seri Samyvellu
" Saya nak balik mandi dulu" and then dissapeared into thin air till Mon
Sore Loser #2: Datuk Zainuddin Maidin
"They voted against me not because they don't like me, they are just angry at the government"
Then what do you have to say to those big guns from BN who won ie Datuk Hishamuddin,Pak Lah, Datuk Najib? Shouldn't they be first to lose if people is SO angry with government?
Sore loser #3 :EX-MB of Perak
Did not dare to show face to reporters and own supporters after the defeat.
Sore loser #4: Datuk Rafidah Aziz
Ok, she did not techinically lose but her quote was" It was the voters who swayed to the opponents and those who voted for opposition that will lose out in development"
You do not have to open her big mouth cause she did not lose much, she still retains her cabinet postion and stop blaming the voters for the party's failure to win the hearts of voters.
There are many more sore losers but I don't really remember their name now but KUDOS to Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon, you enlightened us with your press conference right after the results were out and admitted Gerakan's defeat and face it like a true gentleman.You showed us that politics is not the real agenda of an election but serving the people regardless of who won. The statement that you offered help to DAP in issues on forming a state government is truly noble and that it is the RAKYAT that is the most important not political party sentiments.
The rest of BN must learn to admit their defeat and stop pointing fingers. The more you blame us voters for voting against you proves to us more that we might have made the right choice for voting against you.
We voters are the one who have to live this decison for 5 years. We are also worried that coalition government might be unstable and its effects on us. But this is a scarifice we are willing to face and I hope this huge impact on political arena will be a lesson to not only BN but to all other parties to do your job properly and serve the RAKYAT well that it is DEMOCRACY that we are upholding. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Nothing to blog about actually, it's just an excuse for me not to study and hog the pc. America's next top model is back for cycle 10 and the models this time is jst so so. I mean I prefer the previous cycle 9 where you got Chantal,Saleisha etc , I mean the previous cycle, the girls looked hot and model-like but NOT this cycle. On the first episode of top 14 girls, there were a Badgley & Mischka fashion show in the middle of Times Square,NY. So the girls strut their stuff and later they had a photo shoot. At the judging room, this girl named Kim decided to quit because she does not support the high fashion industry that you need to pay thousands for a piece of clothing. If I'm there I would to say " Bitch, if you cannot afford then don't blame others who are willing to buy!!"
I know a haute couture dress will cause about USD 100,000 or a designer bag would be around USD 2500 but she said she don't see why people need to pay so much. Clearly she does not understand the fashion industry very well. Designers pour their heart and soul on a piece that no one has ever saw and creating someting new each time and the seamstress who works for more than 100 hours to create the details all by hand. A lot of work had been put in to create the single piece. I'm not saying that everyone should sell their soul to buy designer goods, but if you can afford it why not? She didn't know that wal-mart top she bought or that skirt she wear all came from the designers who pave the way for new fashion trends. She should watch Devil Wears Prada and hear what Miranda say to Andy about fashion..My opinion she only saying that because she want to quit because she's home sick and use that excuse to justify herself. She said earlier(before judging) " The fact that millions of girls who would want to be in my place right now, makes me feel special" then later she quit. Such a bitch or shall I say a spoil brat. She's pretty no doubt, but looks like those Disney kids or Sharpay in high school musical.
Other girls in that season so do not look like models and there was this girl who told the whole world that if she wins she would want to create awareness on female genitalia mutilation aka female circumsion. She's from Somalia and at the age of 7 had her clitoris cut and both labia sewn together.What's that gotta to do with modelling? this season started off pretty badly but I'll keep watching cuz there are some few favourites like Claire or Marvita. I'm sure many of you do not what I'm talking about. Go download some US series online. And discover the magic of p2p download!!
I want to go Colbie's showcase!!
Went with college frens to steamboat at Sunway. All 13 of us chit chatting and eating till about 10.30 am. It was a fun bonding session and I've yet to upload the little pics I took(cuz we were to busy talking). It's about 74 days to D-day and I'm so under prepared. All those english cases I have to remember all with funny names..owino,clegg,diestchmann,ag for jersey v holley, goodfellow,bowering,dudley and stevens,bedder,camplin,cox v riley, chief constable of avon and somerset constabulary v shimmens and hundreds more and that is for criminal only. Let me not get started for judicial review for public law..those cases are super long ie R(sivasubramaniam) v Wandsworth County Court or Rv Disciplinary Commitee of The Jockey Club ex parte Aga khan,R v City Panel of Takeovers and Mergers ex parte Datafin Ltd. Sei lor..How now brown cow? How can I memorise all this cases?
The dinner I had was a nice distraction but went come back to my messy room with stacks of books and papers, my mind is clouded once again, encumbered by the thoughts of exams and upcoming revisions. How can I push myself? I used to have confidence on myself but lately I have low self esteem when it comes to studies. The main fact that I cannot memorise cases or principles scares me every minute. Arghh..Then when in tutorials especially criminal I feel lost. Why they can answer I can't? Am I being too critical? I cannot afford to fail, maybe that fear that makes me so stressed till I have breakouts on my skin.
I have yet too seen the Bear since the pembubaran Parlimen.I've spent my 3 weeeknds alone and another weekend alone again and just hope that I can see him after the elections. We are gonna be reaching our 4th Year anniversary this 22 nd March. 4 years already..seems like just a few months ago I've met him. Yes it's that 4 years ago on that week where Malaysia is facing the 11th elections. Well come to think of it, Thank God that the elctions are this week rather than on our anniversary. Today for the first time our phone call more than a minute. SErious these past weeks when I call him it goes like this:
The Bear: Hello( you can clearly hear that sometimes he's on the other phone or ppl talking to him)
Me: Hi, how r u? R u busy?
The Bear: I'm in a meeting/with boss/on the other phone/another incoming call/ppl waiting for me to start meeting/boss calling/ppl calling
Me: Ok,Love you
The Bear: Love u bye or just Hang up or just a bye
A short call and sometimes his msg will be sorry,I'm in a meeting, love u,good nite, take care etc..his msgs are so short, it's usually just one line..
but today we got through more than the mere few sentences, he's sick now, sore throat and been sleeping in the office for two weeks now, but still have to make it through this saturday which I'm sure gona be till after midnight and after the results which i'm sure gonna be good, he'll be out celebrating with colleagues and then his poor gf will be again home alone. I'm not feeling too bad about it now, but sometimes the loneliness sets in and hits you. Luckily i ahve friends who I can hang out so I won't feel so emo..
Ok, got to sleep now, tomorrow got Rabinder's class and I've yet to read his notes..will update again soon..
My view
I agree with opposition on the points made that we Malaysians need to vote for change. We all need change. Some may say why fix something is not broken?Take Malaysia as an urn, it already have cracks now and what the governemnt does now is to turn the cracks around so it is not visible. But it is indeed cracked and needs some fixing. How long more we need to ignore the cracks?Cracks on our petrol subsidy, cracks on our judiciary, cracks on our criminal process, cracks on our public safety, cracks on our public service, cracks on our education system and cracks on our development. You see we all look good on paper, on statistics but the reality is that we are not. Our universities are not on par and dropping and yet they boast that our education system is well developed to face globalisation. Our public safety are affected not because of the rallies and demostrations as per said but by the crimes that rapidly increasing. why crimes are increasing? Is it the uncontrollable surge of foreign workers or desperate people who cannot get employment or is it our police force is not doing enough? Our judiciary is under huge threats by the executive. Who is suppose to protect the citizens personal liberty than the courts?Now with the condition of the judiciary who is unable to protect us? Who should we rely to? It is now time to change, vote for a better nation. It is 50 years already. Ask yourself is the current governement doing enough for you? Are our rate of development on par with other countries who have been independent for 50 years or less? If we fall short of that par we need to change. We need a government to fix all the cracks and then move forward. What's the point of moving forward when we can't even fix the problems we are facing now? No point hiding the cracks, as chinese saying paper cannot withold a fire. How long more the government need to hide? They say we are united in one party then why the three parties? Isn't this like the dasar pecah perintah we so wanted to change for 50 years? This is another form of pecah perintah. So wake up!! Get to know who your are voting for..can they represent you? can they help you? Go check the previous BN manifesto and see if they achieved it..We are the new generation!!! We need a responsible government. Regardless who won we need sufficient checks on the government. We need to more freedom to voice out and more liberty and free of discrimination!!
This is my channel to voice out. Since I cannot vote so this is my attempt for change. For those who hold the voting power..use it wisely