
My view

I've been reading lots of elections ads. Most my friends wants to vote opposition. I'm in a torn position given that The Bear works for a BN candidate. If I'm a voter I will vote the BN candidate in Pandan Parliament and the opposition for ADUN because I see how The Bear works relentlessly for the MP in helping the community. All the late nights and constant pressure by his perfectionist boss, I can see his boss deserves an X for this elections. You see not all MPs are inefficient, I see first hand and even work in a campaign before and it fuels me to maybe, someday to become a politician.

I agree with opposition on the points made that we Malaysians need to vote for change. We all need change. Some may say why fix something is not broken?Take Malaysia as an urn, it already have cracks now and what the governemnt does now is to turn the cracks around so it is not visible. But it is indeed cracked and needs some fixing. How long more we need to ignore the cracks?Cracks on our petrol subsidy, cracks on our judiciary, cracks on our criminal process, cracks on our public safety, cracks on our public service, cracks on our education system and cracks on our development. You see we all look good on paper, on statistics but the reality is that we are not. Our universities are not on par and dropping and yet they boast that our education system is well developed to face globalisation. Our public safety are affected not because of the rallies and demostrations as per said but by the crimes that rapidly increasing. why crimes are increasing? Is it the uncontrollable surge of foreign workers or desperate people who cannot get employment or is it our police force is not doing enough? Our judiciary is under huge threats by the executive. Who is suppose to protect the citizens personal liberty than the courts?Now with the condition of the judiciary who is unable to protect us? Who should we rely to? It is now time to change, vote for a better nation. It is 50 years already. Ask yourself is the current governement doing enough for you? Are our rate of development on par with other countries who have been independent for 50 years or less? If we fall short of that par we need to change. We need a government to fix all the cracks and then move forward. What's the point of moving forward when we can't even fix the problems we are facing now? No point hiding the cracks, as chinese saying paper cannot withold a fire. How long more the government need to hide? They say we are united in one party then why the three parties? Isn't this like the dasar pecah perintah we so wanted to change for 50 years? This is another form of pecah perintah. So wake up!! Get to know who your are voting for..can they represent you? can they help you? Go check the previous BN manifesto and see if they achieved it..We are the new generation!!! We need a responsible government. Regardless who won we need sufficient checks on the government. We need to more freedom to voice out and more liberty and free of discrimination!!

This is my channel to voice out. Since I cannot vote so this is my attempt for change. For those who hold the voting power..use it wisely

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