

Currently listening to: Lisa Miskovsky-Still Alive (Raver Rework)

I felt compelled to blog about this movie I just watched. it's called ' Shoot on sight'. It is about the aftermath of the London bombings. The story revolves around the family of Tariq who is a muslim. He is a reputable investigating officer for the Central London Police. He was called to head the inquiry of the shootings on a Muslim youth in the train station. The story is about the discrimination on Muslim people. The movie is not made to prove which religion or culture is right or wrong. It just shows you the life a Muslim who is just trying to do good in the society. One line that stirred me was " Are all Muslim terrorists or all terrorists Muslim? "

The movie did show to dispell the 'myth' that a Muslim can only marry a Muslim and if not, he/she has to convert. but in the movie Tariq's wife is white and she did not convert. I don't know how true is this but I believe it is possible as everybody is free to practise their own religion. There was one part that almost brought tears to my eyes was Tariq's friend usually takes the bus every day to work, the bus driver will normally wait for him and he talks to some other regulars on the bus. The next day after the London bombings, the bus no longer wait for him and he got stares from the regulars in the bus. There were no more pleasantries and hellos, just stares.

There was also another line which I felt was outright sensitive , " Are you a policeman who happens to be Muslim or a Muslim who is policeman? One day you have to choose which side you're on. "

All in all, this movie stirs ups thoughts on how we live our life. I'm no saint, sometimes when I see a person of certain race riding the motorbike and i'm walking, I pay extra attention. Everybody has a level of discrimination in them but I feel that we can all try to make the world better by accepting people for who they are and not their skin. I myself is trying to work on it. May we all strive to make the world a betetr place and us not living in fear and discrimination.

1 comment:

Anushia said...

Cool, I shall check out this movie. It's very true what you said. Just because some people are in a certain religion or race we should not be judging them but on the other hand, we shall not take them for granted as well. We have to be careful especially in Malaysia because crime rates are high and I don't feel save any more comparatively to Russia. When I go out in Russia, I don't have to worry that my bag is going to get snatched from me or people are going to kill me for money. No such thing, worst is getting beaten up which doesn't happen now anymore, thanks to the policemen. Why is it so different in Malaysia?