
Silver lining

Currently listening at this moment : The Gareth Emery Podcast 71

Noticed any difference? I changed the font colours in my blog and updated links. I added all the websites that I frequent to everyday. Maybe from the links I posted you get to know about me and my interests. I vow that I will pay close attention to my typo errors and I blame my keyboard for that. I'm gonna buy a new keyboard soon and a new mouse. I also vow to try to resize the pictures before uploading it. I'm always lazy but now more and more people are actually reading what I've got to say so I've to make it look more proper I guess.

My title of my posts will be back to the way it's used to be. Random stuff that goes through my mind while writing this post so it is not related whatsoever. I like to put unrelated titles. Keeps it random ;p

So leave more comments ya! Ciao~


fluotone said...

alicia, how come the bloglink "Brian" which points to a really cute guy's blog isn't working? oh i think you need to add a .com at the end of the hyperlink :p hehe

Alicia Goh said...

i changed it ady la..so now al girls can go visit ur blog la..hehe