On friday, college mates and i went out to chill and drink. We went to Chilli's for the Margaritas and just drink and chat. Then we headed to Tmn Desa to sober up over a teh tarik. Even with only 4 of us, it's fun. Purely social time where we can just talk about everything and have some great laughs. I always long for this kinda outing, when I was with Allan, I seldom go out with friends and I miss that.
Funny thing happen at Chilli's, we sat and ordered drinks and the waitress actually wanted to check our IC. OMFG!!! it's OMFG in a funny way...do I look under 18? I take it as a compliment. We all laughed and joked with the waitress of wanting to take the shaker back home and laughed at our IC pics.
Weekends are easier for me now. I scared I'm gonna be emo this weekend adding to the fact my parents went to Singapore. So i'll be alone in the house and would risk being emo. But to my suprise I'm fine. Friday night I came back around 1 something and slept till 12 pm the next day. I did my laundry and cleaned the interiirs of my car and watched several series. Took a nap and my sister came for dinner. We went to Jalan TAR to ger her baju kebaya and we ate there also. Then we dropped by the pasar malam and bought henna. (OMG which reminds me I got tau foo fah in the fridge from yesterday) It was on impulse when my sister and I spotted and Indian stall and looked around and we saw the henna. She said she wants to do. I'm like ok..just do la..We bought 3 tubes of henna and she drew on both of my hands and legs. Pics soon...Then this morning was church and dimsum in the afternoon. So now I'm here, blogging and not being emo.brownie points for me..yay!!
Plan to go gym later but super phobia about traffic jams and finding for parking so I think I'll take a raincheck.
That's about it. My weekend so far. K has gone back. Have to start living my life back again bu tthank him also for chatting with me yesterday night.
# 1 Presidente Margarita
#4 Crazy poses
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