
I'm semi emo

It's Sat night and I'm stuck at home. trying to hit the books. I cannot stay home during Saturday nights. two more weeks..i rather work my ass off during weekends and go back sleep it off then work again ..work work n work till no tommorrow. but beofre that a holiday..
someone says he want to sponsor me for all expense trip to singapore and my shopping too. OMG rite..however things are not so simple as it looks..sigh..my life is neverending with emotional drama.
i know everything will be fine and better...this is just a time period I have to go through..
this is my first exam where there's no boyfriend to support me. Seriously..since PMR till STPM I was with someone. This time are no good lucks or all the best msgs from someone called Le Boyfriend.
but like the song sings..hold your own, know your name and go your own way..
my path of life is still far, sometimes there will be people who will walk beside you, but at time i have to walk myself..so this is time i have to walk myself..till i met up will someone who will walk with me for life. I won't spend my time waiting for someone..I vow to live my life to the fullest.

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