

I watched Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of Crystal Skull already!! Watched it with Yue Ling today at Times Square. It's been a while since the break up I've been to times square.Of course there were some memories there but I'm ok with it. I was there a bit early then went over to Sugei Wang to catch up some latest Sbux work gossip with Kak Aimi(my supervisor and kakak angkat). Chatted for about hour there and then watch the movie.
Well I don't really remember how Indiana Jones was in those previous sequels cause i was too young to remember. The only memory I have of Indiana Jones that there was one part in the old Indiana Jones movie is he spread sand on an invisible brigde..
My thoughts about the movie, hmm..it reminds me a lot about Tomb Raider, the fact that its an archaelogical type of movie and there are riddles and secret doors etc..
WEll Harrison Ford does not look that old considering the storyline was that it was 10 years plus after the last "adventure". Mind you that the storyline is a bit outlandish I think. I've read books on the theory that aliens build the Gaza Pyramids as the technology was too advanced for the Egyptian civilization back then. So this is something to with space creatures..
Shia Labeouf acting is as great as usual and potrayed a young charismatic kid very well. He's acting as a teenage kid whose mum was kidnapped and his family frend ,Oxley, send him some letters to decipher. So he sought for the help of Indiana Jones.
Cate Blanchett was acting out of her usual element and she too was great with that East Ukrainian accent. She is the villain this time which was unusual since she always have that angelic, motherly look.
I don't want to add anymore spoilers to the movie. It's worth the watch since if you are an action fan or you just want to cuddle with your gf for two hours.
You can watch Harrison Ford swinging on to moving cars and Shia fencing with Cate Blanchett while on top of two moving jeeps. Some parts are kinda slow but it's Indiana Jones..you got to watch it right?
Here are some pics i added..

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