
semi ranting semi expression

Currently listening to: Snow Patrol -If There's a Rocket Tie Me To It (Marcus Schössow Remix)

Today was quite a hectic day. I don't know where to start but the important thing is that my phone is safe me thanks to honest people in the college..Thanks to Wai Lu, Vickie and Fabian! And I won't forget to thank my Baby( I'm gonna call Danny, "Baby" from now on in the blog, keeps things personal...) I don't want to blog about it cause it's long and just plain annoying how many times my clumsiness and carelessness gets to me sometimes. The lesson learnt is to becareful and never tease people cause in the end you sure kena balik. I'm gonna blog about my second lesson. Like in previous post, Baby and I share lot of similar personality traits, one of them is our clumsiness. (Baby, I know you're reading this and won't admit but the cds I gave you, see how you long tahan and not hilangkan it ok? lol) I sometimes tease Baby the fact that he always forgets whether he locked his car and there were many times we went back and checked cause I also won't notice. There were times when Baby dropped his phone a number of times and today he dropped his new secondary phone for the first time or when he misplaces the mints he bought or he accidentally hit his head against a cupboard. The point is Baby is clumsy at times and he just won't admit it. I teased him and till karma hits me and I left my phone in the library and only realised it an hour later. Cut the long story short, thanks to awesome people, I have my phone back and everything is normal. So now I wil just keep my mouth shut by not teasing anyone anymore. Sorry Baby..we both clumsy together alright?? LOL Thanks Baby by being so supportive and it is not your fault you suprised me at college alright?

On nicer more mushier and lovey dovey post..I went to watch movie with Baby today. "He's just not that into you" this movie really hit hard on people who have been in the dating world, the fact he dos not call or he gives you his card and you call. the mind games guys and girls play,i bet anyone who has been dating can relate to anyone of the characters in the movie. It was a sweet yet truthful movie that shares how people's life can also be interconnected somehow. This is Baby and I's first movie. Peculiar right? We never been to movies cause like I said we have trance dates rather than movie dates. i know I've been blogging a lot about him. It's ust that I have so much things to tell him. Everyday I have stuff to tell him , a new song, how i'm feeling, random stuff I see, things i want to ask him. I don't have enough time and afraid today was the last real date I'm ever gonna have with Baby till after exam...Since Baby is reading my blog, I might as well use this outlet to share my feelings for him also. This blog is very personal to me. I pour my heart and soul here. Funny how blogging was just a past time but now it has become a therapy of some sort, channel to express myself and put myself out there for people to read. I don't know how people judge me but by blogging, I'm not afraid out how people see me. This is ME, no false pretences, no holds barred. Just Alicia Only.

P/s: Baby, thanks for wanting to know me more. you requesting my fav tracks gave me the impression you want to know more about my trance perosnality. and when you listened to it and I asked you, so did you get it? did you get my trance? you said yes and explained the beats that I liked. I smiled but deep down my heart smiled too. Baby, go find the lyrics to Cosmic Gate feat Kyler England- Flatline..


fluotone said...

I nearly fainted~

Alicia Goh said...

fainted cuz of what la?