

The Hulk.A Marvel. It's GREEN. It has serious anger management issues. Not your typical superhero. the last Hulk movie was a disaster and the CGI graphics is bad. One might expect the same for the Hulk, hell, what would you expect from a movie of a green monster with super expandable pants. Well, remove those pre-connotions or phobias of a bad movie and go watch Incredible Hulk.
This movie is not as cool as Iron Man, or Spiderman but for a green monster I think this movie exceeds its expectations. Edward Norton is a great actor and portrayed Bruce Banner more accurately not like the previous movie.
The villain looks like the Resident Evil Bio Nemesis older brother. The fight scenes is kind of creative and Hulk only uses his smash once. The fighting scenes also reminds me of God of War a PS2 game. In that game, the hero uses his chains to subdue the opponent. I don't know how to explain it, but for those who played God of War 2 will be able to relate to it.
One thing i like about the movie is that there are tiny hints about Iron Man in the beginning of the movie and a suprising twist.
As usual, I'm not good in words in reviewing a movie. I can talk about it real life rally well, but in writing, it won't do the movie justice. So just go watch... It's worth it ..

#1 Like "The Legend " poster ain't it?
#2 Scruffy looking hot scientist
#3 Emil Blonsky before becoming The Abomination
#4 You don't like me when I'm angry..RAH!!!!!
#5 Abomination

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