
molotov cocktail

ssshh..someone threw an emo bomb at me the other night. i was too tired to marah at the person but now when i thinking bout it..i'm pissed
i came back..tired..cranky..i'm hormonal cuz my period came twice in a month..i'm trying to lose weight by sweating off in the gym n eating less..all in all..i'm cranky. then someone threw a huge emo bomb at me round 11 something when i want to sleep ady. it wasnt even my fault. i said i was sorry but he din want to listen. i wanted to msn him now to say i appreciate what he has done and i'm sorry. but come to think of it i was not at fault. but deep down i shud have say sorry for his ego sake.but i still dun have the heart to even click on his msn n start my msg..sigh
nowadays my nights are occupied. monday is laundry n ironing day..tuesday till fri is gym night..sat is chill out or swimming night..sunday is church.
you cant expect me to be so accomodating all the time. yeah you can freaking call me a bitch or lan si..yeah i needed you at times of comfort..you were there..but not always..you gave me the hot n cold treatment..then you expect me to be all so loving. you promise to come back but din..then suddenly you go all emo with me..is this fair?
forgive me for my rantings..as said earlier this is all hormonal..
gosh almost midnite ady..i want to go relax n read a book..zone out from all these drama..
tomoro is yoga day..hopefully i can make it to the class and strecth myself out..then go out for cool dip in the pool..looking forward to it..till then..tata~

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