
new chapter

Called college for the third time this week. Finally a confirmed answer that the results wil be out after 12 tomorrow. Yeah they have to torture us right till the end of the week. I've been waking up every morning since Monday asking "Is this the day" and I will feel naseous each morning. Apart from me worrying bout results, I have a lot on my mind. Things still aren't certain..Sigh
During the first few yoga classes, I find it hard to meditate during yoga. My mind just does not seems to want to relax, but lately after a few classes, I'm getting the hang of it. Now it seems easier to get to the zone and just relax and focus on my breathing. Since I met two new friends from yoga, it makes me more commited to go the classes every tuesday and thursday.

Tomorrow is the last day of my work. I need to rest.. I love my attachment here, but I really need to sort things out before classes. I need to go shopping for new clothes, run errands, clean my room, reorganize my pc and also go for a trip. I need a few days of sleep without waking up to an alarm. I need to lie on my bed and watch project runway and many other movies I downloaded. I want to burn all my series to dvds or just buy another external hard disk. There is so much I need to do. I need to organize a menu for my bro's theme bbq party "License to grill". i need to go to the post office and collect my rebate also. I also need to get my car washed and vaccum.

You might ask why not do it on weekdays or weekends. You see I'm a lazy being. After work I drive straight to mv for gym. After gym, I'm really tired physically. I just lie on my bed and listen to music, make a couple of calls and crashed. My laundry in my room is so much, I have to chuck it on my pc table's chair. Now I cant sit when I chatting at home. I need to stand..wtf..Same cycle for the rest of the week. If no gym, will usually out for a movie or cc. On saturdays I slept till the afternoon, then will be going out and come back by night. Sunday mornings are for church then a nap then dinner.

I need to reorganize back my life for Part 1..well hopefully I can make it to Part 1..I think I want to start working back at Sbux. I need moolah. For me it's like a another chapter in my life when class starts. I need to be more hardworking. Need to be smarter. need to make myself look better. do things for ME. For the benefit of ME. ME and ME alone.

I need to tell myself I refuse to be emo for whoever and whatever reason. I have the freedom now...

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