
sleep alone

Thanks for ur congrats that I passed.I appreciate it. Now another chapter of my life. New goals and foucs. Life is too short.
something out of the ordinary happened today. would love to blog about it. but the time is not right for me to reveal it yet. sigh..now the only thing is my head is that slogan "Life is Drama" which is the ad for Hallmark channel. Which depicts my life so accurately now. Many many things is happening. endless seismic emotional readings on my life chart.
I'm doing better these days. I've changed so much that I'm amazed that I could actually be in another level. My world used to be allan and me. Closed off from outside world. syok sendiri la katakan. That's the biggest misake I made. I shut myself off from the outside world. Neglected myself.
So to y'all lovebirds out there, learn from my mistake. give urself room and not depend on a person too much. cuz if you lose him/her, your life literally crumbles around you and you fall so low, that you define a whole new low for urself.

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