

My facebook has 300 over friends. 70% are from family,high school,college,work,acquaintences and random people. that bunch of random people is added in order to increase my yoville crew. I have 4-5 friend requests a day from strangers. I jsut leave them there not knowing whether to ignore or accept. However that is nto the point of this post. The point is I have requests from college mates. Well they are not exactly mates more like I know you are in the class taht sort. I've been in quite the limelight last year. Due to the the prom drama and my extrovert nature especially in Meera's class. Sometimes they think I'm smart, they come up to me and ask questions, but the thing is they know my name and I don't know them . Some will say hellos and smiles at me when I'm at the hallway. Of course I greet back, for me its ok. I'm not shy about it but I feel bad for not knowing their name. Feel bad that maybe they told me their name before and I forgot. I fear that one day I called their name wrongly and they will feel I'm a snob or something..lan si maybe. it's jsut me. I always been the loud one, the obnoxious one..so I guess they all know me or at least notice me. I remember once. a girl calling me from behind tagging me to teach her on a question. I don't know even know she's in my class in the first place, but I told her what i knew. This year, my part 1, I remained quiet most of the time, I don't know la..I feel like dumber this year. I get my confidence from the knowledge I know but now, I low self esteem..no no no..not emo..jsut pointing it out. some random post..on people who know me and I don't know them..

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