
Which one?

Books and more books. Even before London is sending their own text books, I already have some from my brother and the college. There is so much materials I don't know where to start.

I watched Discovery today and they found out that too many choices around you might cause depression. weird huh? We thought we are superior because we have so many choices but in fact its making us more depressed and stressed.

20 years ago you walked into a restaurant they would offer either coffee or tea. Not much questions on which type of tea or coffee, its is accepted that tea should be the usual English Breakfast and coffee..well black. Now there are Earl Greys, Chamomile ,peppermint etc. Well, since i worked at Starbucks we offer six types of tea and we show customers the menu. Wait, I haven't even started on coffee yet. You get the picture right? Sometimes when I asked the customers what they want some were irritated,(which I presumed were the caffeine deprivation effect) and more often thatn not the first timers were perplexed. Come to think of it, I agree with the research from the documentary that too many choices might lead to depression. They experimented by sending a man to shops all over to choose a bed. He went through at least 300 over beds and could not choose.

Men feel superior when given choices, the power is his hand and they want the best. But given too many choices our poor 10% used brain can't handle it. We would decipher whether we made the right decision. The question" What if? " always suffices and since we live in the age where there are choices every single thing in life. We already have great choices to make on our education,career,potential Mr Right etc and now we are burdened by trivial matters in our daily life. You walk in a cafe, you need to choose. you go in the shopping mall, there are hundreds of shops that might have the same black cardigan, it boils down to which shop you gonna buy it from.

No wonder that the research concludes that too many choices might lead to depression. I put on my thinking cap and thought the more mankind tries to improve out life better it seems the side effects are undesirable. I'm not against technology and civilization but it just made ponder.

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