
going wrong?

This whole week is like non stop for me. Classes and the invigilating. Eventhough invigilating for 1 and half hours may seem easy but you need to pay attention and observe the students, and walking rounds throughout the hall. Tiring. I really did not do any studying this past few weeks and skipped like 3 tutorials. I've been clubbing for two weekends in a row. I'm tired. I din go gym. My life is slighlty disorganised but I had fun. But sometimes no matter how much fun you have, you come back at times feeling empty. At times when I can get enough sleep, I tend not to sleep early. A friend told me is pyschological escapism. Even with the postive post previously, I have the tendency to make myself occupied all the time. I download tonnes of series, podcasts, movies and going out more. I went clubbing 3 times in 2 weeks. Watch James bond twice summore. I'm fine i guess, just that I feel I need to do a lot of things but sadly study is not my top priority right now. Is there something wrong with me?

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