
Don't stop and stare

Quote of day : You gave up on us because you don't think we can be together forever

Gossip Girl is back!! It's juicier than ever and I'm starting to have hots on Chuck Bass, the bad boy he never wanted to be..

Today contract class increases my self esteem as I read beforehand and get to answer the problem question right within 45 minutes. I drive to college now and I'm more confident on the road. My favourite moment while driving is singing my hearts out in the car, gives me a sense of empowerment somehow.

Talked to the friend today, he just gotten through the next step of making himself being happy and I hope he is feeling better.

Tomorrow is another day, which I hope will be a great day. I think less of The Ex now, but I had some dreams about him. When I drive pass his apartment, I still look at the 6th floor window to see whether he's in or not. But I'm feeling less emo about it. It's getting better day by day. Baby steps. I just hope my heart will be whole once again.

At college today, friends were talking about what they are gonna do for the holidays from June till Sept. This is my list:
- Attend my bro's church
- Ikea-nize my room
- Set up Astro in my room
- Join a different gym
- Find a job at a law firm
- Work weekends at Sbux
- Learn French
- Go on a holiday
- Save money to buy a Tiffany's ring

This list is what's keeping me going...keeping me sane that life is too short to mope around. Wish me luck so that I can accomplish the plans.
When I go back to college for Part 1 in Sept, I'll be a different and better person cause I got so much to offer.

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