
moved on?

I mean how do you control your feelings, put a full stop or a comma or just some dots? How do you know how much time you gonna give yourself? My emotional graph is up and down this week. I had really sweet happy times and ironically on Sunday it's down again. Sitting lonely in my room, staring on walls and papers on my table. I mean how could anyone put some sort of halt to their feelings so quickly. At first it seems fine and then now its still the same consequence. But for me putting myself out there would I suffer this feeling once again? The answer would be NO and the factual causation is made out(R v White). Seriously my mind is using legal principles to sort out my life, to rationalize what I am feeling? should have I ommited in putting myself out there. I'm so dumb to volutnarily assume responsibility and get burned in the end. AS much i told myself, control it, but I don't know how...lost yet again...

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